Friday, February 17, 2017

February 17

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!  We celebrated this holiday on Tuesday and had a great time!  This is my favorite holiday that we celebrate in school.  The children are always AMAZED that they have so many Valentine's Day cards just for them!  The looks on their faces are priceless!  Is has been a busy time getting ready for our big day, but well worth it!  Thank you to all who sent goodies in for our party!

Along with Valentine's Day we discussed our actual heart.  We created bodies and labeled them with 'heart, artery, veins, and lungs'.  They are hanging them in our classroom.  We discussed different ways in which we can keep our heart healthy and did some exercises to boost our heart rate so that we could feel it.  The children had a fun time with this activity!

Our 100th day of school finally arrived on Wednesday!  The children have anxiously been awaiting this day as we have counted each and every day that we have been in school! Such excitement!  The children participated in several different activities.  They wrote and illustrated a page for a class book, counted out 100 pieces of food for their snack, did 100 exercises and weighed their 'bags of 100' using a balance scale.  We also read stories about the 100th day of school.  Thank you to all who sent in goodies for this exciting event!  Be sure to look at the pictures at the end of this blog from our special day!

Happy 100th Day of School!

In Writer's Workshop we have been discussing Informational 
Writing.  We made lists of things that we know how to do or things that we know a lot about.  At first the children could not think of anything, but as we talked, they came up with more and more ideas.  They were very excited to see how many things they could write about!  

In Math we continued practicing to 100 different ways - by 1's, 2's (we need practice doing this!), 5's and 10's.  The children love the challenge of doing it different ways!

Thank you to Josey's Mom for being Mystery Reader this week!  As always, a favorite time in our classroom!

The children had a wonderful time with their stuffed animals that they brought in for our warm fuzzy party yesterday!  They are now working on filling the jar to the top!  They do a great job - I am very proud of them!

Conversation Starters:
  • How big is your heart?  (the size of your fist)
  • What do you need to do to keep your heart healthy?  (eat healthy food, get enough rest, exercise)
  • How does blood get throughout your body?  (through veins and arteries)
  • What do you take in when you take a breath?  (oxygen)  When you breathe out?  (carbon dioxide)
  • Why is it necessary to eat healthy foods?
  • What are some healthy foods to eat?

How You Can Help:
  • Practice the # facts to 5 and sight words.
  • Continue practicing phone #'s and addresses.  The week after our break we will be discussing our community. We have a community map hanging in our classroom.  In order for each child to be able to put their car on the map, they must be able to tell me their address.
Looking Ahead:
  • February 20 - 24 - February Break


Creating a class book.

Counting out 100 pieces of snack!

Doing 100 exercises!

Weighing bags with 100 items in them to make the balance scale have equal weight on both sides.