Friday, December 16, 2016

December 16

WOW!  It is COLD out there!  Winter has certainly set in, for sure!!!!  It may be cold outside but we are warm and cozy inside and doing lots of great things!

This week we have continued to practice # order in our math lessons.  We have been focusing on the # before, the # after, and the # in between.  We have also really been concentrating on the terminology 'less, more, greater than, and less than'.  During this time we have been practicing 'counting on' and the concept of '1 more'.  We have been using a variety of manipulatives to understand this concept better.  Mrs. MacCallum, our Math teacher, joins us each day during our math lesson.  Many times we break into two smaller groups to teach the concepts.  This is working really well for all of us!   While doing this we have been concentrating very hard on # formation and trying not have any 'backwards alerts'.  Thank you for reinforcing this concept at home as well!

In Writer's Workshop we have continued to focus on our narrative unit, writing true stories.  We have written several 'true stories' together and are now ready for the children to think about their life and something 'true' that has happened to them.  Many times this is quite hard for the children to do.  It would be a great help if you talked about things that your child has done and tell them, "Wow, that would be something great to write about in school!"  As always, thank you for your support!

The Homework Journals have been coming back on time and looking great! Thank you!  Just a reminder that when writing is asked for, please have the children do that in pencil.  The children get very excited when we get their journals out on Tuesday's to get them ready to go home!  Many of them have older siblings that they see doing homework and now they are just like them they say!!!!!

We discussed the topic of 'Different, But Special' this week.  We focused on the fact of how each and every one of us is different, but very special in our own way.  We created posters depicting different types of feelings, play, clothing, homes, and food.  We also discussed physical disabilities and tried using a wheelchair and crutches.  The children actually did a great job with the wheelchair but found that the crutches were especially hard to manipulate!  Thank you for helping your child to fill out their Family Traditions page.  We will put these in a class book that will begin circulating after our break.

Thank you to Emmy's family for being our Mystery Reader this week!

Conversation Starters:
  • Ask your child to sing 'We All Sing With the Same Voice' to you.  We have been practicing the chorus to it in sign language.  It fits perfectly in with our theme of 'Different, But Special' this week!
  • What are some ways that we are different?  (different looks, homes, tastes in food, pets, clothing, families, etc.)
  • Was it easy to get around on the crutches and wheelchair?

How You Can Help:
  •  Be sure to label your child's outerwear.  Please practice with your child getting their snow gear on by themselves.
  • Continue doing the Monthly Activity Guide and weekly Homework Journal with your child.  When doing the journal, be sure to do all that it asks.  Some of the children are forgetting to do the writing piece.
  • Encourage your child to practice writing their #'s.  Watch out for 'backwards alerts'!
  • Practice addresses and phone #'s with your child.
Looking Ahead:
  • Letters reviewed this week:  We have completed reviewing each specific letter of the alphabet, but will continually review all of the letters throughout the year.  The children may continue to bring in items for the letter basket that begin with any letter for the rest of the year.
  • Someone Special Reminder:  Ingrid Matsen