We have had a great week! The sun is shining outside which
has given us renewed energy! The children have grown so much this year - it is so wonderful to see all that they are doing. Everything that they have been learning up until this point is all coming together!
In math we are still working on our chapter on composing and decomposing
numbers. This
is a concept that we will continue to focus on for the remainder of the year.
The children are becoming experts on making #'s using different number
sentences. It is amazing how quickly they can give me an answer! We
also continue to review our calendar math as well as addition and subtraction.
We are having a lot of fun in Writer's Workshop! To begin our unit
on persuasion we came up with a list of problems that sometimes happen in our
classroom and school. Some of the ideas that we came up with were talking
in the halls, leaving the tops off of the markers and glue sticks, and not listening
when others are speaking. Each child chose one of the problems and
created a poster about it. On one side they stated the problem and
illustrated it. On the flip side they stated what happened due to the
problem and how to solve it. They completed the project by illustrating
this side as well. We found out that in order to make things happen for
the better we need to give reasons why things should be changed. Watch
out, your child may try to persuade you to change something at home!
We have been discussing seeds and plants this week. We
learned about the different parts of a flower and how seeds travel. We've
done several projects, including making beautiful flowers using our handprints. Next week we will be planting seeds, both bean and marigold. Once the plants begin to sprout the children will be able
to take them home and plant them in their garden! They are VERY excited
about this project!
Thank you to Jacob's Dad for being our Mystery Reader today!
Conversation Starters:
- What is needed for a plant to grow? (soil (most times - not always true in the rain forest!), water, sunlight, air)
- What are some of the ways that seeds travel? (wind, animals, birds, people)
- What are some of the parts of a plant? (roots, stem, leaves, petals/blossoms/flower)
How You Can Help:
- Continue practicing tying laces!
- Continue practicing sight words and math facts.
- Encourage your child to practice a different fluency page in their back of their homework journal every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday when the journals are home.
- Please be sure to send a snack with your child daily! Sometimes parents forget to send a snack on the day that their child is buying lunch!
- May 8 - May 12 - Healthy Kids Week
- Tuesday, May 16th - Kindergarten ABC Countdown begins - more information to follow soon!