Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13

We are certainly enjoying the beautiful weather that the past few days have brought!  I hope that you are too!

We have finished our unit on 'How-To' books and Informational Writing in Writer's Workshop this week.  The children have done a super job on this - there are many different things to remember to include when writing these pieces.  They have worked very diligently on the different parts, coming up with a 'catchy' introduction, including steps and facts, using bold words and comparisons, and including an ending.  The children each chose one piece to share with a friend today and then we had our 'toast' of apple juice for our celebration.  Many of their writing pieces will come home next week.  Enjoy reading them with your child.  We will begin our last writing unit, Opinion/Persuasive, a couple of weeks after we return from vacation.


Math has been all about addition and subtraction.  We have been doing both operations a variety of ways, horizontal, vertical, and 'flipping the # sentences"  (4 + 2 = 6  or 2 + 4 = 6).  We have used all different kinds of manipulatives as well.

We have had a great time learning about Space.  The children LOVE the space song and break-out singing it all day long!  If you have not heard it yet, be sure to ask your child to sing it for you.  It is rather catchy!  We learned all about the Moon this week and completed a neat project that demonstrated how the Earth orbits around the Sun and the Moon revolves around the Earth.  Ask your child to demonstrate it for you.  We finished writing in our Space Journals as well.  I can assure you that you will enjoy reading these with your children!

The children has a great time in P.E. this week participating in Scooter City!  They were able to roll around the gym on a scooter, stopping at different 'stores' and points of interest during their trip.  They had to be sure to obey the 'rules of the road' or they could get a speeding ticket!  Be sure to ask them all about it, it was definitely one of the highlights of their week!

Conversation Starters:
  • What are the 'inner planets'?  (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars)
  • What are the 'outer planets'?  ((Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
  • What does the Earth orbit around?  (the sun)
  • What revolves around the Earth?  (the moon)
  • Is the flag still standing on the moon that Neil Armstrong put there?  (yes)
  • Why?  (there is no weather on the moon so the wind, etc. would not be a problem)

How You Can Help:
  • Encourage your child to practice writing their ABC's (Aa, Bb, Cc, etc.)  
  • Encourage your child to play outside!
  • Continue practicing the math facts - addition/subtraction to 5

Looking Ahead:
  • Spring Break - April 14 - April 23