Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13

BRRRRRR - the week started out really cold and now it feels like we are having a heat wave!  The weather sure is funny, isn't it?  Oh well, it doesn't matter what is happening outside, the children continue to work diligently inside our classroom!

In Math this week we began counting to higher #'s in a variety of ways.  We began counting to 
100 by 1's, 5's, and 10's to begin with, and then added in counting by 2's, or skip counting, as it is also called.  The children love a challenge and have asked me to 'lip synch' when I count along with them! Using the 100 chart that came home in your child's folder today, encourage your child to practice different ways to count, along with the way that was mentioned in last week's blog to practice fluency.  We also continued to concentrate making teen #'s by making groups of 10 and 'how many ones'?  Many of the children are catching on to this concept, others are slowly getting it.  We will continue to focus on this for quite some time!

The children all continue to grow as writers!  This week we continued to write true stories and focused on 'how I can make my writing easier to read'.  We reviewed the writing conventions - make sure to finger space in between words, use a capital letter to begin a sentence, use punctuation, and put a vowel in every word to facilitate this.  Of course, the writing process is something that we are just beginning to learn about, but we know that one day the children will be doing all of the things! Many of them are doing a lot of them already!

We had fun continuing to read different versions of The Mitten this week before beginning to learn about bears.  They are so interesting!  We have been reading fiction and non-fiction books and created a great project using both of these genres.  We will continue discussing these creatures next week as well as polar bears and penguins.

Today we learned about Martin Luther King, Jr.  We read a story about him and discussed why we celebrate his birthday every year.  The children have a booklet in their folder today telling all about him.  Enjoy reading it with them!

Yesterday we got together with our 3rd grade buddies, Ms. Paradis' class. They came to our class and read us stories.  At the end we gave each one of them a special snowman that we had made earlier in the day.  The children were so excited and had a wonderful time.  They are already looking forward to the next time that they get together!

What a fun time we had with our buddies!

Thank you to Becca's Mom for being our Mystery Reader this week!

Conversation Starters:
  • Why did Nikki's Grandmother (from the story The Mitten by Jan Brett) not want him to wear his white mittens out to play?  (she was afraid that he would lose them)
  • What were some of the differences in the different versions of The Mitten that we read?  (the mittens were different colors; in one story the mitten was found intact but stretched out, in another story pieces of yarn from the missing mitten were found strewn all over the snow;  there were different animals in each story)
  • We keep reviewing this :  What is the Golden Rule?  (treat others the way that you would like to be treated).  Please continue discussing this at home!
  • What is a bears home called?  (a den)
  • What are some things that bears like to eat?  (fish, honey, berries, fruit, insects, and even squirrels!)

How You Can Help:
  • Please practice getting shoes/sneakers on and tying shoelaces.  Thank you SO much!
  • Continue to do the Monthly Activity Guide and Homework Journal with your child.
  • Please make sure to send shoes or sneakers with your child when they wear boots to school. 

Looking Ahead:
  • Someone Special Reminder:  Harrison Appleby
We certainly have budding architects in our class!